Parents |
day Weight: 0.56 ,
dateWeight: 0.56 ,
monthWeight: 0.54 ,
septemberWeight: 0.54
Siblings |
july Weight: 0.34 ,
decemberWeight: 0.34 ,
australia dayWeight: 0.34 ,
novemberWeight: 0.34 ,
octoberWeight: 0.34
Property | Similarity |
is good month | 1.00 |
is month | 0.94 |
is best month | 0.92 |
be called month | 0.91 |
be start of year | 0.83 |
is cruel month | 0.81 |
is tax day year | 0.78 |
is 17th tax day year | 0.78 |
have 30 days | 0.78 |
be twelfth month deci means | 0.76 |
Cues |
Evidence |