Parents |
lunch meat Weight: 0.69 ,
cheeseWeight: 0.59 ,
recipeWeight: 0.58 ,
stapleWeight: 0.58 ,
favoriteWeight: 0.58
Siblings |
spaghetti sauce Weight: 0.35 ,
cream cheeseWeight: 0.34 ,
salamiWeight: 0.34 ,
cheddarWeight: 0.34 ,
sausageWeight: 0.34
Property | Similarity |
have carbs | 1.00 |
be low in calories | 0.82 |
be important food in diet | 0.78 |
be important in diet | 0.78 |
has fatness fat | 0.77 |
have sodium | 0.76 |
have less sodium | 0.76 |
Cues |
Evidence |