Parents |
quality Weight: 0.71 ,
valueWeight: 0.68 ,
principleWeight: 0.67 ,
traitWeight: 0.65 ,
characteristicWeight: 0.65
Siblings |
fairness Weight: 0.37 ,
honestyWeight: 0.37 ,
transparencyWeight: 0.35 ,
dedicationWeight: 0.35 ,
trustWeight: 0.34
Property | Similarity |
be applied | 1.00 |
be applied to life | 0.93 |
be applied building | 0.90 |
apply as living | 0.83 |
apply to earth | 0.82 |
apply as living system | 0.82 |
apply to function | 0.81 |
be used | 0.76 |
apply to heart structure | 0.75 |
Cues |
Evidence |