Parents |
flower Weight: 0.65 ,
potted plantWeight: 0.63 ,
bloomWeight: 0.57 ,
plantWeight: 0.55 ,
itemWeight: 0.55
Siblings |
hydrangea Weight: 0.37 ,
chrysanthemumWeight: 0.37 ,
hibiscusWeight: 0.37 ,
lilyWeight: 0.37 ,
peonyWeight: 0.37
Property | Similarity |
leaves turn brown | 1.00 |
leaves brown | 0.97 |
leaves turn yellow | 0.94 |
get yellow leaves | 0.92 |
have turning yellow leaves | 0.91 |
turn brown | 0.91 |
get leaves | 0.89 |
have turning leaves | 0.89 |
drop leaves | 0.85 |
stems turn brown | 0.84 |
Cues |
Evidence |