Parents |
organization Weight: 0.51 ,
matchWeight: 0.20
Siblings |
american express Weight: 0.29 ,
terrorist organizationWeight: 0.28 ,
unWeight: 0.28 ,
leagueWeight: 0.28 ,
travel agencyWeight: 0.28
Property | Similarity |
have many wheels | 1.00 |
have 18 wheels | 0.96 |
have wheels | 0.96 |
have spikes on wheels | 0.85 |
have many gears | 0.82 |
have air brakes | 0.79 |
have spikes on rims | 0.76 |
have gears | 0.76 |
have spikes on front tires | 0.76 |
have tires | 0.75 |
Cues |
Evidence |