Parents |
thing Weight: 0.54 ,
damageWeight: 0.48 ,
featureWeight: 0.47 ,
eventWeight: 0.47 ,
mechanismWeight: 0.45
Siblings |
pothole Weight: 0.32 ,
root canalWeight: 0.32 ,
craterWeight: 0.31 ,
tornadoWeight: 0.31 ,
roadwayWeight: 0.31
Property | Similarity |
appear in florida | 1.00 |
be in florida | 0.96 |
be found in florida | 0.94 |
form in florida | 0.94 |
happen in florida | 0.93 |
occur in florida | 0.93 |
be common in florida | 0.92 |
be more common in florida | 0.90 |
appear over america | 0.84 |
be problem in alabama | 0.79 |
Cues |
Evidence |