Parents |
parameter Weight: 0.66 ,
variableWeight: 0.59 ,
factorWeight: 0.54 ,
propertyWeight: 0.54
Siblings |
gamma ray Weight: 0.67 ,
infraredWeight: 0.57 ,
violetWeight: 0.55 ,
ultravioletWeight: 0.55 ,
nanometerWeight: 0.44
Property | Similarity |
vary with color | 1.00 |
vary with temperature | 0.89 |
vary depending depending direction | 0.87 |
vary with temperature of source | 0.86 |
vary depending depending direction in crystal | 0.86 |
vary with altitude | 0.82 |
vary with temperature of radiating source | 0.81 |
be related to color | 0.79 |
is different colors | 0.79 |
differ from common factor | 0.77 |
Cues |
Evidence |