Property | Similarity |
gdp ratio important | 1.00 |
is ratio | 0.91 |
is gdp high | 0.89 |
has quality gdp | 0.89 |
gdp bad | 0.89 |
be to income ratio important | 0.88 |
be to income ratio | 0.87 |
be to equity ratio important | 0.86 |
be to asset ratio important | 0.86 |
be measured as percent of gdp | 0.86 |
Click on a property for more details on the statement. Click on a column header to use it as a sorting key.
Subject | Score | Plausible | Typical | Remarkable | Salient | Source |
debt | 0.55 0.5531780517 |
0.70 0.7034911987 |
1.00 0.9973706977 |
1.00 0.9958942845 |
0.84 0.8389083122 |
Quasimodo |