Parents |
people Weight: 0.51 ,
artistWeight: 0.45 ,
musicianWeight: 0.44 ,
entertainmentWeight: 0.43 ,
activityWeight: 0.39
Siblings |
con artist Weight: 0.31 ,
guitaristWeight: 0.31 ,
pianistWeight: 0.31 ,
hairdresserWeight: 0.31 ,
dancerWeight: 0.31
Click on a property for more details on the statement. Click on a column header to use it as a sorting key.
Property | Score | Plausible | Typical | Remarkable | Salient | Source |
be at on subway | 0.46 0.4581569100 |
0.30 0.2992826909 |
0.85 0.8515245511 |
0.78 0.7769448663 |
0.91 0.9094316456 |
ConceptNet |