Parents |
can Weight: 0.68 ,
containerWeight: 0.65 ,
productWeight: 0.62 ,
itemWeight: 0.60 ,
explosiveWeight: 0.60
Siblings |
aerosol Weight: 0.37 ,
garbage canWeight: 0.34 ,
food canWeight: 0.34 ,
trash canWeight: 0.34 ,
hair sprayWeight: 0.34
Property | Similarity |
is hazardous waste | 1.00 |
has trait waste | 0.78 |
is dangerous | 0.78 |
is flammable | 0.78 |
be identified as toxic inhalation hazard | 0.77 |
be identified as toxic inhalation hazard in yellow i d code pages | 0.75 |
be identified as toxic inhalation hazard in i d code pages | 0.75 |
Cues |
Evidence |