Parents |
continent Weight: 0.62 ,
worldWeight: 0.58 ,
countryWeight: 0.58 ,
south americaWeight: 0.57 ,
regionWeight: 0.55
Siblings |
south africa Weight: 0.80 ,
latin americaWeight: 0.76 ,
kenyaWeight: 0.64 ,
central african republicWeight: 0.61 ,
equatorial guineaWeight: 0.60
Property | Similarity |
be different | 1.00 |
is different | 0.98 |
have many different cultures | 0.83 |
have different cultures | 0.82 |
be different from other continents | 0.82 |
be divided into two different groups | 0.81 |
be different of other continents | 0.81 |
was divided into different countries | 0.81 |
be different of most other continents | 0.81 |
be divided into two different cultural groups | 0.79 |
Cues |
Evidence |