Parents |
sickle cell anemia Weight: 0.80 ,
symptomWeight: 0.65 ,
complicationWeight: 0.65 ,
abnormalityWeight: 0.64 ,
conditionWeight: 0.60
Siblings |
hemolytic anemia Weight: 0.83 ,
thalassemiaWeight: 0.50 ,
liver cancerWeight: 0.36 ,
pulmonary edemaWeight: 0.36 ,
hypertensionWeight: 0.35
Property | Similarity |
be diagnosed | 1.00 |
is diagnosed | 1.00 |
is initially diagnosed | 0.92 |
develop in polycystic kidney disease | 0.78 |
develop in patients with leukemia | 0.78 |
nurse diagnosis | 0.77 |
develop in kidney disease | 0.77 |
is asymptomatic | 0.76 |
be classified as chronic disease | 0.75 |
is chronic disease | 0.75 |
Cues |
Evidence |