Parents |
sign Weight: 0.54 ,
thingWeight: 0.48 ,
talentWeight: 0.41 ,
ramWeight: 0.39
Siblings |
american sign language Weight: 0.31 ,
puerto ricanWeight: 0.31 ,
sherlock holmesWeight: 0.31 ,
florenceWeight: 0.30 ,
judaismWeight: 0.30
Property | Similarity |
is earth sign | 1.00 |
is sign | 0.89 |
is best sign | 0.84 |
is powerful sign | 0.82 |
is most powerful sign | 0.80 |
be considered zodiac sign | 0.80 |
is zodiac sign | 0.79 |
be considered first zodiac sign | 0.79 |
is death sign | 0.79 |
is best zodiac sign | 0.79 |
Cues |
Evidence |