Parents |
month Weight: 0.54 ,
timeWeight: 0.54 ,
dateWeight: 0.53 ,
childWeight: 0.52 ,
yearWeight: 0.52
Siblings |
january Weight: 0.59 ,
novemberWeight: 0.31 ,
julyWeight: 0.31 ,
septemberWeight: 0.31 ,
juneWeight: 0.30
Property | Similarity |
is women 's month | 1.00 |
be called women 's month | 0.98 |
is month | 0.88 |
is good month | 0.84 |
is eight month | 0.82 |
is bad month | 0.82 |
is special month | 0.81 |
have 31 days year | 0.81 |
is best month | 0.81 |
be most boring month of year | 0.79 |
Cues |
Evidence |