Parents |
raptor Weight: 0.71 ,
endangered speciesWeight: 0.71 ,
eagleWeight: 0.70 ,
golden eagleWeight: 0.69 ,
creatureWeight: 0.68
Siblings |
peregrine falcon Weight: 0.37 ,
great horned owlWeight: 0.36 ,
lizardWeight: 0.36 ,
unicornWeight: 0.36 ,
ravenWeight: 0.35
Property | Similarity |
be symbol of america | 1.00 |
be symbol for america | 1.00 |
is symbol | 0.90 |
be national emblem of america | 0.87 |
is national symbol | 0.87 |
be important to america | 0.84 |
is patriotic symbol | 0.83 |
represent america | 0.81 |
live in north america | 0.78 |
Cues |
Evidence |