Parents |
owl Weight: 0.79 ,
speciesWeight: 0.72 ,
birdWeight: 0.70 ,
animalWeight: 0.67 ,
wildlifeWeight: 0.64
Siblings |
snowy owl Weight: 0.40 ,
peregrine falconWeight: 0.38 ,
bobcatWeight: 0.38 ,
wrenWeight: 0.37
Property | Similarity |
be different from common owls | 1.00 |
be different from owls | 0.96 |
be better than other owls | 0.92 |
be better than owls | 0.91 |
be called ghost owls | 0.85 |
be called barn owls | 0.81 |
make baby barn owls | 0.81 |
be considered wild animals | 0.75 |
Cues |
Evidence |