Parents |
structure Weight: 0.61 ,
buildingWeight: 0.59 ,
farmWeight: 0.57 ,
siteWeight: 0.56
Siblings |
farmhouse Weight: 0.35 ,
garageWeight: 0.34 ,
siloWeight: 0.34 ,
apartment buildingWeight: 0.34 ,
hallWeight: 0.33
Property | Similarity |
be typically painted red | 1.00 |
be traditionally painted red | 0.95 |
be painted red | 0.93 |
be historically painted red | 0.93 |
be painted white | 0.91 |
be in painted black | 0.90 |
be painted black | 0.90 |
is painted | 0.89 |
be painted green | 0.88 |
be colored red | 0.83 |
Cues |
Evidence |