Parents |
superhero Weight: 0.68 ,
movieWeight: 0.67 ,
tv showWeight: 0.65 ,
heroWeight: 0.65 ,
gameWeight: 0.64
Siblings |
smallville Weight: 0.36 ,
supermanWeight: 0.36 ,
sherlock holmesWeight: 0.35 ,
cricket gameWeight: 0.35 ,
simpsonsWeight: 0.35
Property | Similarity |
be vs bad superman | 1.00 |
be vs superman | 0.98 |
be vs superman long | 0.98 |
be vs superman thing | 0.97 |
be vs superman even thing | 0.96 |
fight vs superman | 0.96 |
is vs superman war cool | 0.95 |
be vs superman racist | 0.94 |
is vs superman civil war cool | 0.90 |
beat superman | 0.89 |
Cues |
Evidence |