Parents |
chemical Weight: 0.73 ,
chemical compoundWeight: 0.68 ,
substanceWeight: 0.66 ,
hydrocarbonWeight: 0.64 ,
liquidWeight: 0.63
Siblings |
sulfur dioxide Weight: 0.38 ,
ethylene glycolWeight: 0.38 ,
arsenicWeight: 0.38 ,
tolueneWeight: 0.38 ,
sodium chlorideWeight: 0.37
Property | Similarity |
be more stable than naphthalene | 1.00 |
be good solvent for naphthalene | 0.92 |
be more stable than cyclohexane | 0.86 |
be more acidic than cyclohexane | 0.82 |
be more toxic than toluene | 0.80 |
be more reactive than alkanes | 0.80 |
be less reactive than ethene | 0.79 |
be more volatile than toluene | 0.79 |
be less reactive than alkenes | 0.78 |
be more stable than cyclohexatriene | 0.77 |
Cues |
Evidence |