Parents |
body part Weight: 0.68 ,
structureWeight: 0.65 ,
tissueWeight: 0.64 ,
organWeight: 0.61
Siblings |
pelvis Weight: 0.68 ,
spinal columnWeight: 0.66 ,
rib cageWeight: 0.65 ,
clavicleWeight: 0.65 ,
human skullWeight: 0.63
Property | Similarity |
get thicker | 1.00 |
get stronger | 0.77 |
be stronger than ones | 0.77 |
thicken | 0.77 |
break easier than bones of younger person | 0.76 |
be stronger than concret | 0.76 |
be stronger than solid ones | 0.75 |
is quicker | 0.75 |
Cues |
Evidence |