Parents |
fighter Weight: 0.69 ,
athleteWeight: 0.69 ,
dogWeight: 0.64 ,
characterWeight: 0.63 ,
breedWeight: 0.62
Siblings |
wrestler Weight: 0.38 ,
gymnastWeight: 0.36 ,
cyclistWeight: 0.35 ,
beagleWeight: 0.35 ,
tennis playerWeight: 0.35
Property | Similarity |
strike his opponent | 1.00 |
strike opponent | 0.98 |
hurt his opponent | 0.87 |
best his opponent | 0.87 |
serve to his opponent | 0.86 |
fight opponent | 0.86 |
service to her opponent | 0.84 |
lie their opponent out | 0.84 |
best opponent | 0.84 |
throw opponent | 0.84 |
Cues |
Evidence |