Parents |
institution Weight: 0.67 ,
officeWeight: 0.66 ,
channelWeight: 0.59 ,
propertyWeight: 0.59 ,
personWeight: 0.59
Siblings |
office building Weight: 0.36 ,
post officeWeight: 0.35 ,
home officeWeight: 0.35 ,
doctor officeWeight: 0.34 ,
dental officeWeight: 0.34
Property | Similarity |
grow on trees | 1.00 |
grow in trees | 0.99 |
die on trees | 0.90 |
fall off trees | 0.88 |
be important to tree | 0.84 |
be attached to trees | 0.83 |
grow | 0.83 |
grow at top | 0.77 |
need vine | 0.77 |
Cues |
Evidence |