Parents |
financial institution Weight: 0.65 ,
majorWeight: 0.63 ,
other personWeight: 0.62 ,
segmentWeight: 0.59
Siblings |
accounting firm Weight: 0.73 ,
barber shopWeight: 0.72 ,
department storeWeight: 0.71 ,
service stationWeight: 0.70 ,
clothing storeWeight: 0.68
Property | Similarity |
pay taxes | 1.00 |
pay tax | 0.96 |
paying tax | 0.93 |
is required to taxes | 0.91 |
pay tax operate | 0.90 |
pay quarterly taxes | 0.89 |
have pay | 0.86 |
pay wage | 0.82 |
vary in terms of income tax | 0.82 |
pay for things | 0.82 |
Cues |
Evidence |