Parents |
human cell Weight: 0.76 ,
cellWeight: 0.70 ,
pathogenWeight: 0.69 ,
moleculeWeight: 0.68
Siblings |
melanoma Weight: 0.61 ,
lymphocyteWeight: 0.52 ,
metastasisWeight: 0.49 ,
glycolysisWeight: 0.46 ,
blood cellWeight: 0.41
Property | Similarity |
use glycolysis | 1.00 |
prefer glycolysis | 0.96 |
rely on glycolysis | 0.94 |
use aerobic glycolysis | 0.92 |
have high aerobic glycolysis | 0.90 |
undergo aerobic glycolysis | 0.88 |
produce lactate | 0.77 |
produce telomerase | 0.76 |
use more glucose | 0.76 |
be linked to process of mitosis | 0.75 |
Cues |
Evidence |