Parents |
skin cancer Weight: 0.77 ,
lymphomaWeight: 0.70 ,
diseaseWeight: 0.67 ,
heart diseaseWeight: 0.67
Siblings |
melanoma Weight: 0.71 ,
liver cancerWeight: 0.67 ,
breastWeight: 0.61 ,
lungWeight: 0.60 ,
neurofibromatosisWeight: 0.51
Property | Similarity |
be related to cell divisions | 1.00 |
be caused by cell division | 0.86 |
be defined cell division | 0.86 |
be related to cell cycle | 0.82 |
be defined uncontrolled cell division | 0.79 |
relate to cell cycle | 0.79 |
be caused by uncontrolled cell division | 0.79 |
affect cell growth | 0.79 |
form cell | 0.79 |
affect cell cycle | 0.78 |
Cues |
Evidence |