Parents |
light Weight: 0.61 ,
movieWeight: 0.59 ,
touchWeight: 0.58 ,
girlWeight: 0.57
Siblings |
menorah Weight: 0.54 ,
altarWeight: 0.49 ,
light bulbWeight: 0.36 ,
red lightWeight: 0.34 ,
light sourceWeight: 0.33
Property | Similarity |
burn house | 1.00 |
be used to burn | 0.94 |
burn out | 0.92 |
be burn for light | 0.87 |
be mean to be burn | 0.87 |
burn at both end | 0.84 |
burn for hour | 0.83 |
seem to burn out at night | 0.79 |
be at house | 0.79 |
burn brightly | 0.77 |
Cues |
Evidence |