Parents |
air pollution Weight: 0.65 ,
greenhouseWeight: 0.63 ,
substanceWeight: 0.60 ,
cycleWeight: 0.60
Siblings |
carbon tetrachloride Weight: 0.77 ,
carbon monoxideWeight: 0.71 ,
biodiversityWeight: 0.56 ,
carbon dioxideWeight: 0.40 ,
nitrogen dioxideWeight: 0.34
Property | Similarity |
be present in many types of molecules | 1.00 |
be present in types of molecules | 0.99 |
be present in many type of molecules | 0.98 |
be present in type of molecules | 0.96 |
be important in molecules | 0.91 |
be common in molecules | 0.90 |
be common in molecules found in things | 0.90 |
be such good element for molecules | 0.90 |
be present in organic molecules | 0.90 |
be common in molecules found | 0.89 |
Cues |
Evidence |