Parents |
event Weight: 0.70 ,
themeWeight: 0.59 ,
timeWeight: 0.58 ,
showWeight: 0.57 ,
attractionWeight: 0.55
Siblings |
mardi gras Weight: 0.57 ,
paradeWeight: 0.36 ,
rodeoWeight: 0.36 ,
circusWeight: 0.35 ,
barbecueWeight: 0.35
Property | Similarity |
is celebrated trinidad | 1.00 |
be celebrated in trinidad | 1.00 |
be celebrated in jamaica | 0.88 |
was celebrated long ago in trinidad | 0.87 |
is celebrated | 0.87 |
be celebrated to tobago | 0.86 |
be celebrated | 0.86 |
be celebrated in tobago | 0.86 |
be in celebrated | 0.86 |
be celebrated in argentina | 0.85 |
Cues |
Evidence |