Parents |
limit Weight: 0.60 ,
wallWeight: 0.58 ,
floorWeight: 0.57 ,
surfaceWeight: 0.57 ,
structureWeight: 0.56
Siblings |
soffit Weight: 0.49 ,
ground floorWeight: 0.35 ,
top floorWeight: 0.34 ,
second floorWeight: 0.34 ,
balconyWeight: 0.33
Property | Similarity |
go black | 1.00 |
turn black | 0.90 |
have white | 0.84 |
go mouldy | 0.80 |
has color white | 0.79 |
be blue in sketchup | 0.76 |
be painted white | 0.75 |
Cues |
Evidence |