Parents |
account Weight: 0.63 ,
giftWeight: 0.61 ,
itemWeight: 0.61 ,
reviewWeight: 0.57
Siblings |
cash register Weight: 0.33 ,
logWeight: 0.33 ,
pocket watchWeight: 0.33 ,
business cardWeight: 0.33 ,
debit cardWeight: 0.33
Property | Similarity |
be at bank | 1.00 |
be cash at bank | 0.90 |
be turn into cash at bank | 0.86 |
be used to draw money from bank account | 0.85 |
represent money in bank | 0.83 |
be used to access your bank account | 0.83 |
be used to pay bill in bank | 0.82 |
be link to bank account | 0.81 |
be used to reduce your bank balance | 0.78 |
be link electronically to bank account | 0.76 |
Cues |
Evidence |