Parents |
account Weight: 0.63 ,
applicationWeight: 0.62 ,
giftWeight: 0.61 ,
itemWeight: 0.61
Siblings |
cash register Weight: 0.33 ,
logWeight: 0.33 ,
pocket watchWeight: 0.33 ,
business cardWeight: 0.33 ,
debit cardWeight: 0.33
Property | Similarity |
be different | 1.00 |
have different prices for different color | 0.84 |
come in many different forms | 0.81 |
be similar | 0.80 |
come in different forms | 0.79 |
have different backgrounds | 0.79 |
have different colored backgrounds | 0.77 |
have kinds | 0.76 |
be considered similar | 0.76 |
have same shape | 0.76 |
Cues |
Evidence |