Parents |
person Weight: 0.60 ,
religionWeight: 0.59
Siblings |
baptist Weight: 0.71 ,
hitlerWeight: 0.70 ,
john lockeWeight: 0.67 ,
george bushWeight: 0.67 ,
jesusWeight: 0.67
Property | Similarity |
believe in jesus | 1.00 |
know jesus | 0.96 |
believe in jesus christ | 0.95 |
see jesus | 0.95 |
be like jesus | 0.94 |
believe about jesus death | 0.94 |
worsip jesus | 0.94 |
be like jesus today | 0.93 |
consider jesus | 0.92 |
be in love with jesus | 0.92 |
Cues |
Evidence |