Parents |
commission Weight: 0.68 ,
officerWeight: 0.64 ,
memberWeight: 0.61 ,
officialWeight: 0.60
Siblings |
police officer Weight: 0.35 ,
inspectorWeight: 0.35 ,
secretaryWeight: 0.35 ,
chiefWeight: 0.35 ,
chairmanWeight: 0.35
Property | Similarity |
be appointed head | 1.00 |
be appointed | 0.96 |
get appointed | 0.95 |
appointed by president | 0.93 |
be chosen appointed by president | 0.92 |
be chosen appointed | 0.92 |
be appointed to branch | 0.90 |
be appointed to judicial branch | 0.84 |
be elected | 0.76 |
get elected to office | 0.76 |
Cues |
Evidence |