Parents |
contraceptive Weight: 0.72 ,
latexWeight: 0.61 ,
methodWeight: 0.59 ,
barrierWeight: 0.57 ,
productWeight: 0.56
Siblings |
birth control pill Weight: 0.35 ,
abortionWeight: 0.33 ,
tamponWeight: 0.32 ,
deodorantWeight: 0.32 ,
mouthwashWeight: 0.32
Property | Similarity |
come in different flavors | 1.00 |
come in flavors | 0.98 |
have different flavors | 0.98 |
have flavors | 0.96 |
need flavors | 0.95 |
come in flavor | 0.88 |
come in different colors | 0.85 |
have flavor | 0.85 |
has flavor | 0.83 |
come in colors | 0.82 |
Cues |
Evidence |