cross street: requires look both way first

from ConceptNet
0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 Plausible Typical Remarkable Salient

Related concepts

Parents landmark
Weight: 0.56
, location
Weight: 0.55
, address
Weight: 0.50
, car
Weight: 0.50
, information
Weight: 0.47
Siblings sidewalk
Weight: 0.32
, intersection
Weight: 0.32
, golden gate bridge
Weight: 0.32
, bridge
Weight: 0.32
, neighborhood
Weight: 0.32

Related properties

Property Similarity
requires look both way first 1.00
causes look both way 0.93
requires look both way for car 0.93
requires look both way before start out 0.93
requires look both way and step out 0.92
requires look both leave and right 0.88
be used to find one way 0.85
be used to see something new 0.82
requires look leave and right before cross 0.81
be used to get to other side 0.80

Priors about this statement


0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 Joint Necessity Sufficiency Implication Entailment Contradiction Entropy


0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 Plausible Typical Remarkable Salient


Plausibility inference from child typicality

Rule weight: 0.66
Evidence weight: 0.91
Similarity weight: 0.85
Evidence: 0.63
Plausible(landmark, be used to find one way)
Evidence: 0.24
¬ Typical(cross street, requires look both way first)

Plausibility inheritance from parent to child

Rule weight: 0.09
Evidence weight: 0.61
Similarity weight: 0.85
Evidence: 0.38
Plausible(cross street, requires look both way first)
Evidence: 0.63
¬ Plausible(landmark, be used to find one way)

Remarkability exclusitivity betweem a parent and a child

Rule weight: 0.58
Evidence weight: 0.43
Similarity weight: 0.85
Evidence: 0.89
¬ Remarkable(cross street, requires look both way first)
Evidence: 0.64
¬ Remarkable(landmark, be used to find one way)

Remarkability from parent implausibility

Rule weight: 0.42
Evidence weight: 0.98
Similarity weight: 0.85
Evidence: 0.63
Plausible(landmark, be used to find one way)
Evidence: 0.89
Remarkable(cross street, requires look both way first)
Evidence: 0.38
¬ Plausible(cross street, requires look both way first)

Salient implies Plausible

Rule weight: 0.28
Evidence weight: 0.52
Similarity weight: 1.00
Evidence: 0.38
Plausible(cross street, requires look both way first)
Evidence: 0.78
¬ Salient(cross street, requires look both way first)

Similarity expansion

Rule weight: 0.85
Evidence weight: 0.95
Similarity weight: 0.92
Evidence: 0.24
Typical(cross street, requires look both way first)
Evidence: 0.06
¬ Typical(cross street, requires look both way and step out)
Rule weight: 0.85
Evidence weight: 0.92
Similarity weight: 0.93
Evidence: 0.24
Typical(cross street, requires look both way first)
Evidence: 0.10
¬ Typical(cross street, causes look both way)
Rule weight: 0.85
Evidence weight: 0.90
Similarity weight: 0.93
Evidence: 0.89
Remarkable(cross street, requires look both way first)
Evidence: 0.88
¬ Remarkable(cross street, causes look both way)
Rule weight: 0.85
Evidence weight: 0.90
Similarity weight: 0.93
Evidence: 0.89
Remarkable(cross street, requires look both way first)
Evidence: 0.90
¬ Remarkable(cross street, requires look both way for car)
Rule weight: 0.85
Evidence weight: 0.90
Similarity weight: 0.93
Evidence: 0.89
Remarkable(cross street, requires look both way first)
Evidence: 0.89
¬ Remarkable(cross street, requires look both way before start out)
Rule weight: 0.85
Evidence weight: 0.90
Similarity weight: 0.92
Evidence: 0.89
Remarkable(cross street, requires look both way first)
Evidence: 0.91
¬ Remarkable(cross street, requires look both way and step out)
Rule weight: 0.85
Evidence weight: 0.94
Similarity weight: 0.88
Evidence: 0.24
Typical(cross street, requires look both way first)
Evidence: 0.08
¬ Typical(cross street, requires look both leave and right)
Rule weight: 0.85
Evidence weight: 0.85
Similarity weight: 0.93
Evidence: 0.78
Salient(cross street, requires look both way first)
Evidence: 0.68
¬ Salient(cross street, requires look both way for car)
Rule weight: 0.85
Evidence weight: 0.90
Similarity weight: 0.88
Evidence: 0.89
Remarkable(cross street, requires look both way first)
Evidence: 0.88
¬ Remarkable(cross street, requires look both leave and right)
Rule weight: 0.85
Evidence weight: 0.84
Similarity weight: 0.93
Evidence: 0.24
Typical(cross street, requires look both way first)
Evidence: 0.21
¬ Typical(cross street, requires look both way before start out)
Rule weight: 0.85
Evidence weight: 0.82
Similarity weight: 0.93
Evidence: 0.78
Salient(cross street, requires look both way first)
Evidence: 0.79
¬ Salient(cross street, requires look both way before start out)
Rule weight: 0.85
Evidence weight: 0.80
Similarity weight: 0.93
Evidence: 0.78
Salient(cross street, requires look both way first)
Evidence: 0.90
¬ Salient(cross street, causes look both way)
Rule weight: 0.85
Evidence weight: 0.80
Similarity weight: 0.93
Evidence: 0.24
Typical(cross street, requires look both way first)
Evidence: 0.26
¬ Typical(cross street, requires look both way for car)
Rule weight: 0.85
Evidence weight: 0.80
Similarity weight: 0.93
Evidence: 0.38
Plausible(cross street, requires look both way first)
Evidence: 0.32
¬ Plausible(cross street, requires look both way for car)
Rule weight: 0.85
Evidence weight: 0.90
Similarity weight: 0.82
Evidence: 0.89
Remarkable(cross street, requires look both way first)
Evidence: 0.87
¬ Remarkable(cross street, be used to see something new)
Rule weight: 0.85
Evidence weight: 0.90
Similarity weight: 0.81
Evidence: 0.89
Remarkable(cross street, requires look both way first)
Evidence: 0.86
¬ Remarkable(cross street, requires look leave and right before cross)
Rule weight: 0.85
Evidence weight: 0.79
Similarity weight: 0.92
Evidence: 0.78
Salient(cross street, requires look both way first)
Evidence: 0.92
¬ Salient(cross street, requires look both way and step out)
Rule weight: 0.85
Evidence weight: 0.90
Similarity weight: 0.80
Evidence: 0.89
Remarkable(cross street, requires look both way first)
Evidence: 0.84
¬ Remarkable(cross street, be used to get to other side)
Rule weight: 0.85
Evidence weight: 0.80
Similarity weight: 0.88
Evidence: 0.78
Salient(cross street, requires look both way first)
Evidence: 0.90
¬ Salient(cross street, requires look both leave and right)
Rule weight: 0.85
Evidence weight: 0.85
Similarity weight: 0.82
Evidence: 0.38
Plausible(cross street, requires look both way first)
Evidence: 0.24
¬ Plausible(cross street, be used to see something new)
Rule weight: 0.85
Evidence weight: 0.84
Similarity weight: 0.82
Evidence: 0.78
Salient(cross street, requires look both way first)
Evidence: 0.71
¬ Salient(cross street, be used to see something new)
Rule weight: 0.85
Evidence weight: 0.85
Similarity weight: 0.80
Evidence: 0.24
Typical(cross street, requires look both way first)
Evidence: 0.20
¬ Typical(cross street, be used to get to other side)
Rule weight: 0.85
Evidence weight: 0.73
Similarity weight: 0.93
Evidence: 0.38
Plausible(cross street, requires look both way first)
Evidence: 0.43
¬ Plausible(cross street, requires look both way before start out)
Rule weight: 0.85
Evidence weight: 0.83
Similarity weight: 0.81
Evidence: 0.78
Salient(cross street, requires look both way first)
Evidence: 0.76
¬ Salient(cross street, requires look leave and right before cross)
Rule weight: 0.85
Evidence weight: 0.81
Similarity weight: 0.80
Evidence: 0.78
Salient(cross street, requires look both way first)
Evidence: 0.84
¬ Salient(cross street, be used to get to other side)
Rule weight: 0.85
Evidence weight: 0.80
Similarity weight: 0.81
Evidence: 0.24
Typical(cross street, requires look both way first)
Evidence: 0.26
¬ Typical(cross street, requires look leave and right before cross)
Rule weight: 0.85
Evidence weight: 0.77
Similarity weight: 0.81
Evidence: 0.38
Plausible(cross street, requires look both way first)
Evidence: 0.37
¬ Plausible(cross street, requires look leave and right before cross)
Rule weight: 0.85
Evidence weight: 0.73
Similarity weight: 0.82
Evidence: 0.24
Typical(cross street, requires look both way first)
Evidence: 0.35
¬ Typical(cross street, be used to see something new)
Rule weight: 0.85
Evidence weight: 0.67
Similarity weight: 0.80
Evidence: 0.38
Plausible(cross street, requires look both way first)
Evidence: 0.54
¬ Plausible(cross street, be used to get to other side)
Rule weight: 0.85
Evidence weight: 0.52
Similarity weight: 0.93
Evidence: 0.38
Plausible(cross street, requires look both way first)
Evidence: 0.76
¬ Plausible(cross street, causes look both way)
Rule weight: 0.85
Evidence weight: 0.47
Similarity weight: 0.92
Evidence: 0.38
Plausible(cross street, requires look both way first)
Evidence: 0.85
¬ Plausible(cross street, requires look both way and step out)
Rule weight: 0.85
Evidence weight: 0.48
Similarity weight: 0.88
Evidence: 0.38
Plausible(cross street, requires look both way first)
Evidence: 0.83
¬ Plausible(cross street, requires look both leave and right)

Typical and Remarkable implies Salient

Rule weight: 0.14
Evidence weight: 0.95
Similarity weight: 1.00
Evidence: 0.78
Salient(cross street, requires look both way first)
Evidence: 0.24
¬ Typical(cross street, requires look both way first)
Evidence: 0.89
¬ Remarkable(cross street, requires look both way first)

Typical implies Plausible

Rule weight: 0.48
Evidence weight: 0.85
Similarity weight: 1.00
Evidence: 0.38
Plausible(cross street, requires look both way first)
Evidence: 0.24
¬ Typical(cross street, requires look both way first)

Typicality and Rermarkability incompatibility between a parent and a child

Rule weight: 0.51
Evidence weight: 0.83
Similarity weight: 0.85
Evidence: 0.89
¬ Remarkable(cross street, requires look both way first)
Evidence: 0.19
¬ Typical(landmark, be used to find one way)

Typicality inheritance from parent to child

Rule weight: 0.48
Evidence weight: 0.86
Similarity weight: 0.85
Evidence: 0.24
Typical(cross street, requires look both way first)
Evidence: 0.19
¬ Typical(landmark, be used to find one way)