Parents |
day Weight: 0.58 ,
dateWeight: 0.57 ,
februaryWeight: 0.56 ,
monthWeight: 0.56
Siblings |
september Weight: 0.57 ,
novemberWeight: 0.56 ,
julyWeight: 0.35 ,
australia dayWeight: 0.35 ,
aprilWeight: 0.34
Property | Similarity |
is cold | 1.00 |
be warm in summer | 0.78 |
be in winter | 0.77 |
has state wet | 0.76 |
be longer in arctic | 0.76 |
get in winter | 0.76 |
is coldest month | 0.76 |
be cold in kenya | 0.75 |
is dry | 0.75 |
Cues |
Evidence |