Parents |
place Weight: 0.57 ,
companyWeight: 0.56 ,
areaWeight: 0.56 ,
programWeight: 0.53
Siblings |
mekong Weight: 0.34 ,
estuaryWeight: 0.33 ,
oil companyWeight: 0.32 ,
shorelineWeight: 0.31
Property | Similarity |
cancel flights today | 1.00 |
cancel flights | 0.99 |
cancel many flights | 0.98 |
canceling flights | 0.95 |
is good airline | 0.77 |
have planes | 0.77 |
is airline | 0.76 |
use planes | 0.76 |
be airlines | 0.76 |
be better than airlines | 0.76 |
Cues |
Evidence |