Parents |
office Weight: 0.75 ,
businessWeight: 0.62 ,
dentistWeight: 0.62 ,
locationWeight: 0.60 ,
serviceWeight: 0.59
Siblings |
doctor office Weight: 0.40 ,
post officeWeight: 0.39 ,
home officeWeight: 0.38 ,
dentist officeWeight: 0.36 ,
branchWeight: 0.34
Property | Similarity |
be used to get tooth pull | 1.00 |
be used to pull tooth | 0.99 |
pull tooth | 0.98 |
be used to pull out acking tooth | 0.98 |
be pull tooth all day | 0.95 |
be used to get your tooth clean | 0.87 |
be used to remove tooth | 0.87 |
be used to get your tooth check | 0.86 |
be used to have your tooth xrayed | 0.86 |
be used to pullint tooth | 0.85 |
Cues |
Evidence |