Parents |
item Weight: 0.49 ,
thingWeight: 0.46 ,
homeWeight: 0.39 ,
productWeight: 0.38 ,
rugWeight: 0.36
Siblings |
trash bag Weight: 0.30 ,
bed sheetWeight: 0.30 ,
cardboard boxWeight: 0.30 ,
tableclothWeight: 0.30 ,
toilet bowlWeight: 0.30
Property | Similarity |
be find outside door | 1.00 |
be at front door | 0.91 |
be at front of door | 0.91 |
be at front of house front door | 0.88 |
be used to area near front door | 0.88 |
be outside or inside | 0.86 |
be find in house | 0.82 |
be at doorway | 0.80 |
be find in office | 0.79 |
be used to just outside shower | 0.79 |
Cues |
Evidence |