drama: differ from other literary work

from Quasimodo
0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 Plausible Typical Remarkable Salient

Related concepts

Parents tv show
Weight: 0.62
, form
Weight: 0.60
, element
Weight: 0.60
, thing
Weight: 0.58
Siblings wire
Weight: 0.57
, ringer
Weight: 0.40
, episode
Weight: 0.35
, soap opera
Weight: 0.34
, sitcom
Weight: 0.34

Related properties

Property Similarity
differ from other literary work 1.00
be different from poetry 0.81
be different from prose 0.79
be considered literature 0.77
be different from other forms writing 0.77
be important in literature 0.76
is literature 0.75

Priors about this statement


0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 Joint Necessity Sufficiency Implication Entailment Contradiction Entropy


0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 Plausible Typical Remarkable Salient


Salient implies Plausible

Rule weight: 0.28
Evidence weight: 0.89
Similarity weight: 1.00
Evidence: 0.12
Plausible(drama, differ from other literary work)
Evidence: 0.13
¬ Salient(drama, differ from other literary work)

Similarity expansion

Rule weight: 0.85
Evidence weight: 0.90
Similarity weight: 0.81
Evidence: 0.12
Plausible(drama, differ from other literary work)
Evidence: 0.12
¬ Plausible(drama, be different from poetry)
Rule weight: 0.85
Evidence weight: 0.95
Similarity weight: 0.77
Evidence: 0.12
Plausible(drama, differ from other literary work)
Evidence: 0.06
¬ Plausible(drama, be considered literature)
Rule weight: 0.85
Evidence weight: 0.89
Similarity weight: 0.81
Evidence: 0.13
Salient(drama, differ from other literary work)
Evidence: 0.13
¬ Salient(drama, be different from poetry)
Rule weight: 0.85
Evidence weight: 0.88
Similarity weight: 0.81
Evidence: 0.13
Remarkable(drama, differ from other literary work)
Evidence: 0.14
¬ Remarkable(drama, be different from poetry)
Rule weight: 0.85
Evidence weight: 0.93
Similarity weight: 0.77
Evidence: 0.13
Salient(drama, differ from other literary work)
Evidence: 0.08
¬ Salient(drama, be considered literature)
Rule weight: 0.85
Evidence weight: 0.89
Similarity weight: 0.77
Evidence: 0.13
Remarkable(drama, differ from other literary work)
Evidence: 0.13
¬ Remarkable(drama, be considered literature)
Rule weight: 0.85
Evidence weight: 0.88
Similarity weight: 0.77
Evidence: 0.37
Typical(drama, differ from other literary work)
Evidence: 0.19
¬ Typical(drama, be considered literature)
Rule weight: 0.85
Evidence weight: 0.86
Similarity weight: 0.79
Evidence: 0.13
Remarkable(drama, differ from other literary work)
Evidence: 0.16
¬ Remarkable(drama, be different from prose)
Rule weight: 0.85
Evidence weight: 0.84
Similarity weight: 0.79
Evidence: 0.13
Salient(drama, differ from other literary work)
Evidence: 0.19
¬ Salient(drama, be different from prose)
Rule weight: 0.85
Evidence weight: 0.86
Similarity weight: 0.75
Evidence: 0.37
Typical(drama, differ from other literary work)
Evidence: 0.22
¬ Typical(drama, is literature)
Rule weight: 0.85
Evidence weight: 0.83
Similarity weight: 0.77
Evidence: 0.12
Plausible(drama, differ from other literary work)
Evidence: 0.19
¬ Plausible(drama, be different from other forms writing)
Rule weight: 0.85
Evidence weight: 0.83
Similarity weight: 0.77
Evidence: 0.13
Salient(drama, differ from other literary work)
Evidence: 0.20
¬ Salient(drama, be different from other forms writing)
Rule weight: 0.85
Evidence weight: 0.78
Similarity weight: 0.81
Evidence: 0.37
Typical(drama, differ from other literary work)
Evidence: 0.35
¬ Typical(drama, be different from poetry)
Rule weight: 0.85
Evidence weight: 0.79
Similarity weight: 0.77
Evidence: 0.13
Remarkable(drama, differ from other literary work)
Evidence: 0.24
¬ Remarkable(drama, be different from other forms writing)
Rule weight: 0.85
Evidence weight: 0.75
Similarity weight: 0.79
Evidence: 0.37
Typical(drama, differ from other literary work)
Evidence: 0.40
¬ Typical(drama, be different from prose)
Rule weight: 0.85
Evidence weight: 0.76
Similarity weight: 0.77
Evidence: 0.37
Typical(drama, differ from other literary work)
Evidence: 0.38
¬ Typical(drama, be different from other forms writing)
Rule weight: 0.85
Evidence weight: 0.74
Similarity weight: 0.76
Evidence: 0.13
Remarkable(drama, differ from other literary work)
Evidence: 0.30
¬ Remarkable(drama, be important in literature)
Rule weight: 0.85
Evidence weight: 0.71
Similarity weight: 0.75
Evidence: 0.12
Plausible(drama, differ from other literary work)
Evidence: 0.33
¬ Plausible(drama, is literature)
Rule weight: 0.85
Evidence weight: 0.69
Similarity weight: 0.76
Evidence: 0.13
Salient(drama, differ from other literary work)
Evidence: 0.36
¬ Salient(drama, be important in literature)
Rule weight: 0.85
Evidence weight: 0.64
Similarity weight: 0.75
Evidence: 0.13
Salient(drama, differ from other literary work)
Evidence: 0.42
¬ Salient(drama, is literature)
Rule weight: 0.85
Evidence weight: 0.59
Similarity weight: 0.76
Evidence: 0.37
Typical(drama, differ from other literary work)
Evidence: 0.65
¬ Typical(drama, be important in literature)
Rule weight: 0.85
Evidence weight: 0.59
Similarity weight: 0.76
Evidence: 0.12
Plausible(drama, differ from other literary work)
Evidence: 0.47
¬ Plausible(drama, be important in literature)
Rule weight: 0.85
Evidence weight: 0.47
Similarity weight: 0.79
Evidence: 0.12
Plausible(drama, differ from other literary work)
Evidence: 0.61
¬ Plausible(drama, be different from prose)
Rule weight: 0.85
Evidence weight: 0.33
Similarity weight: 0.75
Evidence: 0.13
Remarkable(drama, differ from other literary work)
Evidence: 0.77
¬ Remarkable(drama, is literature)

Typical and Remarkable implies Salient

Rule weight: 0.14
Evidence weight: 0.96
Similarity weight: 1.00
Evidence: 0.13
Salient(drama, differ from other literary work)
Evidence: 0.37
¬ Typical(drama, differ from other literary work)
Evidence: 0.13
¬ Remarkable(drama, differ from other literary work)

Typical implies Plausible

Rule weight: 0.48
Evidence weight: 0.68
Similarity weight: 1.00
Evidence: 0.12
Plausible(drama, differ from other literary work)
Evidence: 0.37
¬ Typical(drama, differ from other literary work)