Parents |
property Weight: 0.65 ,
structureWeight: 0.54 ,
houseWeight: 0.53 ,
homeWeight: 0.52 ,
apartmentWeight: 0.50
Siblings |
condominium Weight: 0.35 ,
townhouseWeight: 0.35 ,
white houseWeight: 0.34 ,
condoWeight: 0.34 ,
master bedroomWeight: 0.33
Property | Similarity |
be at city | 1.00 |
be at city or town | 0.94 |
be at most city | 0.89 |
be at any city | 0.89 |
be used to city live | 0.88 |
be at large city | 0.88 |
be at town | 0.85 |
be at major city | 0.84 |
be at large city build | 0.83 |
be used to sex in city | 0.81 |
Cues |
Evidence |