Parents |
planet Weight: 0.68 ,
globeWeight: 0.62 ,
worldWeight: 0.62 ,
filmWeight: 0.61 ,
organismWeight: 0.61
Siblings |
planet earth Weight: 0.42 ,
moonWeight: 0.35 ,
asteroid beltWeight: 0.34 ,
cometWeight: 0.33 ,
jupiterWeight: 0.33
Property | Similarity |
has 17 moon | 1.00 |
has moon | 1.00 |
has one moon | 0.98 |
be used to have moon | 0.97 |
has many moon | 0.96 |
has over 15 moon | 0.96 |
be see from moon | 0.93 |
has several moon | 0.92 |
has single moon | 0.90 |
has moon call europa | 0.88 |
Cues |
Evidence |