Parents |
solar eclipse Weight: 0.75 ,
eventWeight: 0.66 ,
toolWeight: 0.56 ,
moonWeight: 0.53 ,
fieldWeight: 0.53
Siblings |
aurora Weight: 0.32 ,
lollapaloozaWeight: 0.32 ,
wedding receptionWeight: 0.32 ,
ascensionWeight: 0.32 ,
olympic gamesWeight: 0.32
Property | Similarity |
is more dangerous | 1.00 |
is dangerous | 0.95 |
be dangerous | 0.94 |
more is dangerous than sun | 0.87 |
be dangerous for pregnancy | 0.78 |
is unsafe | 0.77 |
be more complicated going into orbit | 0.75 |
Cues |
Evidence |