Parents |
product Weight: 0.60 ,
deviceWeight: 0.58 ,
accessoryWeight: 0.58 ,
exampleWeight: 0.57
Siblings |
electric motor Weight: 0.35 ,
electric toothbrushWeight: 0.35 ,
electric shockWeight: 0.35 ,
electric heaterWeight: 0.35
Property | Similarity |
be used to cool off | 1.00 |
cool off person | 0.96 |
be used to cool down | 0.95 |
be used to cool off on hot day | 0.93 |
be used to cool person down | 0.92 |
cool you off in summer | 0.92 |
cool you | 0.90 |
be used to cool down room | 0.89 |
be used to keep cool | 0.89 |
be used to cool person | 0.89 |
Cues |
Evidence |