Parents |
process Weight: 0.52
Siblings |
phagocytosis Weight: 0.32 ,
photosynthesisWeight: 0.32 ,
cellular respirationWeight: 0.32 ,
hydrolysisWeight: 0.31 ,
filamentWeight: 0.31
Property | Similarity |
be important step in aerobic respiration | 1.00 |
be important step in respiration | 0.92 |
is aerobic | 0.90 |
be important in respiration | 0.89 |
be important in cellular respiration | 0.84 |
differ from respiration in cells | 0.81 |
differ from respiration in prokayotic cells | 0.81 |
is anaerobic process | 0.80 |
differ from plant respiration | 0.79 |
come to halt without cellular respiration | 0.78 |
Cues |
Evidence |