Parents |
commodity Weight: 0.68 ,
sectorWeight: 0.63 ,
elementWeight: 0.62
Siblings |
solar energy Weight: 0.88 ,
windWeight: 0.62 ,
kinetic energyWeight: 0.60 ,
thermal energyWeight: 0.57 ,
specific heatWeight: 0.47
Property | Similarity |
be stored in plant | 1.00 |
be stored in plants | 0.97 |
be stored in green plants | 0.92 |
be stored in | 0.90 |
be stored in adp | 0.90 |
be stored | 0.89 |
get stored in capacitators | 0.88 |
be stored in power | 0.88 |
be stored in atp | 0.88 |
be stored for use | 0.87 |
Cues |
Evidence |