Parents |
professional Weight: 0.62 ,
personWeight: 0.62 ,
creatorWeight: 0.58 ,
enterpriseWeight: 0.57 ,
publicationWeight: 0.57
Siblings |
financier Weight: 0.46 ,
businessmanWeight: 0.36 ,
investorWeight: 0.34 ,
inventorWeight: 0.33 ,
accountantWeight: 0.33
Property | Similarity |
start own business | 1.00 |
start business | 0.94 |
go into business | 0.85 |
start businesses | 0.85 |
set up business | 0.84 |
write business plans | 0.80 |
sell business | 0.80 |
come up with new startup ideas | 0.79 |
create business plans | 0.79 |
come up with startup ideas | 0.78 |
Cues |
Evidence |