Parents |
roadway Weight: 0.56 ,
highwayWeight: 0.56 ,
roadWeight: 0.53 ,
toll roadWeight: 0.53
Siblings |
interstate highway Weight: 0.70 ,
state highwayWeight: 0.36 ,
parkwayWeight: 0.35 ,
national highwayWeight: 0.34 ,
freewayWeight: 0.34
Property | Similarity |
be at eastern unite state | 1.00 |
be at unite state | 0.89 |
be at unite state of america | 0.82 |
be at one of contiguous unite state | 0.81 |
be used to travel across nation | 0.77 |
be at state | 0.76 |
Cues |
Evidence |