Parents |
thing Weight: 0.66 ,
wordWeight: 0.56 ,
jokeWeight: 0.48 ,
soundWeight: 0.45 ,
termWeight: 0.43
Siblings |
oh Weight: 0.35 ,
crapWeight: 0.34 ,
ping pongWeight: 0.34 ,
cuntWeight: 0.34 ,
poopWeight: 0.34
Property | Similarity |
be used to old person to have problem with | 1.00 |
requires move away from other person | 0.77 |
requires do it | 0.77 |
requires do so | 0.77 |
requires go away from person | 0.76 |
be motivated by you have to | 0.76 |
requires move away from person | 0.76 |
mean more than one thing | 0.75 |
Cues |
Evidence |