Parents |
number Weight: 0.63 ,
thingWeight: 0.55 ,
tuneWeight: 0.47 ,
recordingWeight: 0.46 ,
bandWeight: 0.46
Siblings |
three Weight: 0.37 ,
nineWeight: 0.37 ,
eightWeight: 0.36 ,
fourWeight: 0.35 ,
elevenWeight: 0.35
Property | Similarity |
equal five | 1.00 |
equal nine | 0.98 |
be least common multiple of twenty five | 0.83 |
be called five | 0.82 |
be three times number 197 | 0.78 |
be million five hundred ninety five thousand fifty written | 0.78 |
be hundred twenty three thousandtwo | 0.77 |
Cues |
Evidence |